Coming from an Electrical and Electronics Engineering background, Alisher has 6+ years of professional experience as a Machine Learning Engineer. As he did his Ph.D. studies at the University of Tsukuba, he specialized in video action recognition.
He has experience in the management of teams as a lead AI engineer, and he acted as chairman of Machine Learning Tokyo ​​(award-winning, largest AI community and NPO in Japan with more than 11,000 members), giving talks and presentations about AI on many occasions. He has a gold medal from METI (The Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry) for the EdgeAI competition. He is particularly interested in developing data-efficient and data-centric AI solutions.
International High School
B.S. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Gaziantep University
M.S. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Gaziantep University
Ph.D in Graduate School of System and Information Engineer, Department of Computer Science
- University of Tsukuba
Rakuten, RIT (R&D)
PKSHA Technology, CV team
Machine Learning Tokyo, core team
Browzzin, AI team
Tokyo Data Science School
Machine Learning Tokyo, board
1st Place in Chess Competition
Full Tuition Scholarship
1st Place in Computer Programming Olympiads
4th Place in Computer Programming Olympiads
The most successful student
TUBITAK Scholarship
Gold medal in Edge AI competition